aBreathing vs DJ Anders | Pomodoro Mix Set 001 – Epimagic Flow [Live@KnasterS01E03] | April 2012 by pomodoromixes #np on #SoundCloud
Category: Hopes
World Mental Health Day – Let’s Remove The Stigma! | #blog101 #WorldMentalHealthDay
World Mental Health Day – Let’s Remove The Stigma – Let’s Break The Taboo – Let’s Open Up For Talk – Let’s Get Us To Listen!
World? Peace? Day? | #blog101 #Music4Health #WorldPeaceDay
In one way or another, I have found peace. Disturbances, there are. But in the core, resilient, strong. A sense of peace. I see the building blocks of a deep proof in this – My Love Heroes, at home, and in my extended social first-degree social network, all lines and categories! In Community Spirit, we make a difference! But we must make the Hard Knock of Work: Beginning with ourselves. Separate Signal from Noise. Begin with Silence. If you can live with Silence and level up your Listening to full power, then you Make Space for the Force of Peace,…
This Calling Began with My Daughter Singing “We Are The World” … | #blog101 #MyFamily #MikaTheHero #NadineTheHeroine #Music4Health #PhotoLog
… “We Are The Children” ! Truly! Good Night! (And the storytelling beginning last week continues another Tuesday.) Thank you Karin ♡♡♡♡♡ for capturing the Magic, Beautiful and Love-Worthy! A day of STRONG relief – at the visit with Dr Fernlund, the Heart Doctor – with a 70-30 something of keeping Mika’s pacemaker as-is! Deep breathing out of relief! Now. Sleep!
International Suicide Prevention Day | #blog366 ♡♡♡♡♡ #Status
Ended. Now. Goodnight! — Update: New day beginning! Sun will rise for you! More to come. A strong story / chain of events in the flow. NOW: GOOD NIGHT!
101 (number) – Wikipedia Article | Blog101 Warmup (Sep 1-Dec 31, 2016) | My Blog Challenge Thematic Filtering? #m4h / #music4health !!! — End Of Subject Line : ))) | #blog366
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/101_%28number%29?wprov=sfla1 Photo, just, taken. For the Commons!
L as in Loved Ones | #blog26 #wishlist
Let’s start off with some here-and-now pics. We are in Valdemarsvik for the weekend, arrived today with the full family, cats included. What we do and what happens – follow Karin on Instagram (@akrogirl)! I am sitting on the second floor of Karin’s mum’s lovely house. The Tablet shines. I have a little remote keyboard connected to it. Mindmapped where to take this posting. Directions. Loved ones! Yes. Family! But, before that – let’s make a little historical odyssey. All You Need Is Love – “it was 49 years ago today” Sgt. Pepper told the band to play! And, they…
C as in Core | #blog26 #wishlist
Third day in my #blog26 challenge. 26 wishes, A to Z. Core wish! Simple. Well-being for family and friends! And to live in harmony. What else is necessary?
A – As in Aikido! | #blog26 #Wishlist
I have many things to thank for “keeping my flow, life and health”, through my 50 years (as of today). One of the core gratitudes is given to the Art of Aikido. Thus, when walking through a Blog Challenge Wishlist, A-Z, starting today, #blog26, I am not taking “A as in Anders” as a firsties. No, Aikido goes so far beyond my “ego” as I can imagine. Much of the experience of Aikido you cannot really express, and everyone practicing it have their own story to tell. I will not try to transfer it, since the more words I use,…
About Turning Fifty Rounds Around The Sun – Statement From A Train | #blog366 #SaturdayLove
Written off the grid at 1337 CEST on the Writer Android App, in the net shadows within the deep green ocean forestry of Värmland: “I am sitting on a train to pick up my daughter in Arvika. Tomorrow, I turn 50 years, according to SpaceLog Tellus. And there, I would like to focus this “statement”. I have defined away the “crisis” moment when counting decades. So irrelevant, unneccesary and stupid to live your life as-if turning these counts of orbital rounds around the sun should define when to really have a crisis in life? Let me tell you this instead:…
Fokus, Distraktioner och Det Viktiga | #blog366 #ProjectThursday
Click to view video. Mika leker med en träkula. Kasta prick. Jag bryter för det viktiga. Mika. Jag stod och processade önskelistan, som jag berättade om igår och i förrgår. En bildserie, från hela lilla händelseflödet. Alla bilder. Oredigerat. Ingen bild bortvald. De är där. Alla åtta. Filterlöst, äkta, naket. En nackdel. Det är tyst. Vad är en bildsekvens utan ljud? Träkulor låter när de kastas prick med. Ljud, musik, ljudlandskap. Och musikupplevelser. Högt på önskelistan, de är. Ni som såg smygtitten på hur långt önskelistan har kommit, vet redan. Bortom Kraftwerk, är Jean-Michel Jarre osedd, live. Oxygéne i mitt…
Det här med önskelistor … | #blog366 #CommunityWednesday
Jag gjorde en samlad “brain dump” på något slags lista över önskningar vid min kökskontorssession med början i förrgår. Kompletterad igår. Fotosession kom ju sen, igår. Svart tusch först, grönt tusch sen. Den har fortsatt även idag, i blått. Men det är inte dokumenterat. Något jag haft på autorepeat som temata att få ihop livet är “topp tre”. Att få de tre viktigaste sakerna gjort varje dag. Så – hur finna de tre största önskningarna, som hänger ihop med allt annat som jag håller för kärt och viktigt i livet? Det är ju så det är – det handlar ytterst om…