№ 3 – The Trilogy | #blogg24

One key artist and composer who really got me into electronica, is Jean-Michel Jarre. Unfortunately, I couldn’t attend his concert in Stockholm in October, but I hope he will tour more ahead, watching him another time. For – now he got a reason. He just released his third album in the Oxygène trilogy – yesterday. He celebrates the 40th anniversary of the release of his breakthrough album, Oxygène, from 1976. The idea of the third album is to take the minimalist, ambient style from 1976, to 2016 and play/record it with modern technology. The style is still there, recognizable and…

Equinox? Equality? Equation? | #blog101 #Music4Health #QuickShare

Today. Equinox. Approx same amount of Solar Light and Night Shadow. Easy to have a Jean-Michel Jarre relapse. His second album, Equinoxe. Included in today’s dayplaylist. Welcome, Autumn! Pondering on how to get space and room for the lines of writing on music for health emerging inside of me, to form themselves outside. It will come. Wikipedia rule applies. “No deadline”. Quality assurance, comes with that principle. I am highly sensitive for stress, just have to deal with it. Simple! Good night!

J as in Jean-Michel Jarre | #blog26 #wishlist

As I already have written in the warm-up of this blog challenge (in Swedish), which started June 26 on my 50th birthday, some of you might already know what would show up in “J” in my A to Z Wishlist. Jean-Michel Jarre – The Live Experience! I got introduced to Jean-Michel Jarre early on in my own personal “musical biography”. My uncle was a hardcore music addict as me, and I thank him for discovering alot of music during my upbringing. Jean-Michel Jarre was one of his findings in his search for the new and pioneering. 1976, the Jarre album…

Önskelista, smygtittar del tre | #blog366 #FridayFlow

Idag firade vi midsommar, först i Folkparken, sen hemma med go’-midda! Lugnt, skönt, nyktert. Bara vi! I gott flow. För några somrar sen fick jag löpningen in i mitt liv som en effekt av Aikido-abstinens under dojons sommaruppehåll. Jag slet snabbt ut ett par noname-budget, för att sedan få ett par ordentliga via en outlet. Det var drygt tre år sen nu. Se ovan! Önskningar, topp tre, femtioårsdag, sammanfattas! – Kraftwerk på Skeppsholmen i juli. Check! – Jean-Michel Jarre på Hovet i höst. – … och nya springskor! Detta som en förhandstitt, när jag sätter igång min Wishlistutmaning, på söndag!…

Fokus, Distraktioner och Det Viktiga | #blog366 #ProjectThursday

Click to view video. Mika leker med en träkula. Kasta prick. Jag bryter för det viktiga. Mika. Jag stod och processade önskelistan, som jag berättade om igår och i förrgår. En bildserie, från hela lilla händelseflödet. Alla bilder. Oredigerat. Ingen bild bortvald. De är där. Alla åtta. Filterlöst, äkta, naket. En nackdel. Det är tyst. Vad är en bildsekvens utan ljud? Träkulor låter när de kastas prick med. Ljud, musik, ljudlandskap. Och musikupplevelser. Högt på önskelistan, de är. Ni som såg smygtitten på hur långt önskelistan har kommit, vet redan. Bortom Kraftwerk, är Jean-Michel Jarre osedd, live. Oxygéne i mitt…