The Big Profile Update 2019 – Day One | #ProfileUpdate2019

Did an overview of the project! Imaginable to be done/check within the coming month. A kinda sneak preview below …

Intentions vs Realities | #blog101 #FlowOfLife #MondayMacroscope

In short: Get real. I have practiced the art of complicating it for myself all too long. Enough with that. What has been, and what to become, is only one way to relate to: What was, is not now. And what to become, you do. Yes. Do! IN PROCESS … is to boil down to one-and-one-only to solve the very hard equation to “find your element”, where I unify making a living that harmonizes with what’s important for me (to which you can read in my About Page), at the same time doing stuff that I have space and ability…

Music And Meaning | #blog101 #Music4Health #MondayMacroscope

I can deeply relate to this. I have had moments in life with actual and percieved loneliness. Where I only had me to be there for me. But I had one thing – music.  This insight, makes meaning. And meaning is the thing that moves moments passing by from just being content in life, to something deeper. Something beyond. I am in process to take care of insights in more structured manners. Help me share a vision where I end up doing formal research with the Main Artist on Stage in my show to set up – Music For Health….

Ambivalence | #blog101  #Music4Health  #MondayMacroscope

Ambivalence. That’s the best way to summarize here-and-now, when it comes to what to do and how in my field of choice for study – Music For Health. I am not going to elaborate and let my inner dialogue out in the writing, but to say – “Every little thing, is gonna be allright”, quoting Bob Marley. When you have vague directions, life still fills itself with content. I met Karin’s cousin Colinette Hammar for the first time. Nice! Thanks for sharing a fika, and the joy for Mika and the cats (in spite of your allergy for the latter)….

Weekly Editorial Intentions – Week 36 – the Startup Week | #blog101 #Music4Health #Editorial #MondayMacroscope

Last week, I placed my overall intentions on what to produce during my own-defined #blog101 challenge in the period of Sept 1 to Dec 31. I said I will post these featured postings, dominated by the writings Tuesday to Thursday, and focus on music Friday and Sunday. Saturday will be kept for the private/personal postings in the general #blog366 challenge (one-post-every-day during 2016, with some embedded sub-challenges to keep things going, like the #blog101 – see sidebar for the list – ‘In focus’). To summarize – Mondays – Weekly Editorial Intentions Tuesdays – Music For Health – The Personal Experience…

101 (number) – Wikipedia Article | Blog101 Warmup (Sep 1-Dec 31, 2016) | My Blog Challenge Thematic Filtering? #m4h / #music4health !!! — End Of Subject Line : ))) | #blog366 Photo, just, taken. For the Commons!

50, midsummer and Nadine | #blog366 #MondayMacroscope

This week to come – some highlights. Turning 50 (celebrated low key only with my closest family and friend circle). Midsummer Night (pagan holiday in Sweden) this weekend. And last, but not least – Nadine to spend one week from Saturday to Saturday! In between, meeting a friend, taking care of some laundry, and blog away some wishlist musings in actionable and understandable terms. And of course, living the Moments of Love with Mika! Always!

Att snurra en vecka? | #blogg100 #MondayMacroscope

Öppen fråga, fortarande, Yikes. Förra veckan, nr 14 till numrering, var Hela Oceanen Stormar. Arkiverad! Har återläst intro och måndagtext i andra kapitlet “En vecka i flow”, i en blodsvettig utmaning att ge sig själv återknytning och distans på samma gång till sina texter som ska bli en formellt registrerad bok, i detta perspektiv att ta – före och efter kollapsen och himmelriket. Tur. Och Retur. Och tur. Och retur. Upprepa. Repeat. Repris. Igen. Snabbt. Många många gånger. Tappat känslan för räkning  Men mer och mer. Nu. Mot stabilisering! Idag levererades något i en helt ny form, på en helt…

#blogg101 – initiativet som kom av sig! Det blev #blogg24 istället! I namn av #EnHälsa!

Som framgick, #blogg101 med ett hjärtebarn i familjen, och med egna hälsoproblem för oss alla. Dömt att misslyckas. Var det, ju. Hur kunde jag tro något annat? Oavsett hur man än gör – även om man tror på självorganiseringens kraft och en enkel samlande tagg, så krävdes min energi att dra till mig andra användare in i initiativet, och admin av grupper med mera efterfrågades. Så. Det får bli nästa år! Höstsäsong, prickas in! För våren/sommaren hör #blogg100 till. Energi, hälsa, Mika. Livet ristar in sina begränsningar. Ibland i sand, men i detta fallet blev det i sten. Orubbligt. Det…