A tower full of cats, yes! Including Mika … He has learnt how to climb it as well. This is my family. This is my love. Only Nadine missing. She would be to big to be in the tower!
Category: Deshi
LED Light Bling Bling Workshop and Strömparken | #blog366 #photolog
Today, we were at Visualiseringscenter C and attended a workshop where you could make your own LED Light Bling Bling, with a container made of a 3D printer! Karin and Nadine made one each. And Mika, well, he was elsewhere! After dinner, we went to Strömparken – Deshi in company too! Hot days continues, so it was kinda ok to hang around at the air conditioned Vis C after all …
U as in Uchi Deshi | #blog26 #wishlist
I wish I can attend an Uchi Deshi, as in training camp for Aikido, soon again. The Sensei we follow, Ulf Evenås, Shihan 7 Dan, will attend in Norrköping in November, so hopefully then, at least! Uchi meens ‘indoors’ or ‘inside’, and Deshi.means ‘student’, so literally it is translated into ‘being a student in-house with the master’. And, yes, they are names of our brother Birmans as well!
R as in Rest | #blog26 #wishlist
Sometimes your wishes can be answered at once. I wish to have night’s rest. Come true and real. Soon! Good night!
L as in Loved Ones | #blog26 #wishlist
Let’s start off with some here-and-now pics. We are in Valdemarsvik for the weekend, arrived today with the full family, cats included. What we do and what happens – follow Karin on Instagram (@akrogirl)! I am sitting on the second floor of Karin’s mum’s lovely house. The Tablet shines. I have a little remote keyboard connected to it. Mindmapped where to take this posting. Directions. Loved ones! Yes. Family! But, before that – let’s make a little historical odyssey. All You Need Is Love – “it was 49 years ago today” Sgt. Pepper told the band to play! And, they…
I as in Inspiration | #blog26 #wishlist
Inspiration. I wish I had more right now to find a wish beginning with I. But couldn’t find it. So I wish for more inspiration for the rest of the challenge! Of this reason, I hereby publish a recent image with our three cats Uchi, Soto and Deshi!
B – as in Birthdays! (62!) | #blog26 #wishlist
I started yesterday with a blog challenge, with 26 wishes, from A to Z. It was my 50th celebration of earth rounds done around the sun, and now I feel being part of something I want to be in. The Wisdom Flow – for real. Maybe taken seriously, who knows? Anyways, now, it feels great! I am overwhelmed en masse from all the love bombing yesterday, primarily from my closest circle of family! Surreal, and so calm! You were there, so great, so full, so deep! Thank you Mika, Soto, Jippii, Deshi, Uchi, Nadine, Karin and Hedwig! Home, and then…
About Turning Fifty Rounds Around The Sun – Statement From A Train | #blog366 #SaturdayLove
Written off the grid at 1337 CEST on the Writer Android App, in the net shadows within the deep green ocean forestry of Värmland: “I am sitting on a train to pick up my daughter in Arvika. Tomorrow, I turn 50 years, according to SpaceLog Tellus. And there, I would like to focus this “statement”. I have defined away the “crisis” moment when counting decades. So irrelevant, unneccesary and stupid to live your life as-if turning these counts of orbital rounds around the sun should define when to really have a crisis in life? Let me tell you this instead:…
These Days | #blogg100 #MikaTheHero
These days – thankful for every smile and laugh I can share with my Mika. Where the rest of my life will go is still very unwritten, but two things are crystal clear. I have meaning with my kids, my family, our little bubble of a world. I have meaning in love in its expressions as they manifest in the flow of my life. Thank you life, for giving me these!
Kvällar i familjeglädje – livets flöden | #blogg100 #EttLivIFlow
Jag fortsätter min serie av återbesök till mitt första utkast till boken “I flow”, kapitel ett, “En dag i flow”. Tredje avsnittet, efter Morgon och Dag, handlar om Kväll. I avsnittet om “kvällar i flow”, nämner jag först och främst om att bryta mellan dagens leverans och fokus och kvällens chill. Kortisolfördrivande fysisk träning och kvällsmat. Och sedan mediekonsumtioner, och strategier för dem. Trippelskärm i soffan. Och andra alternativ – exempelvis den batterilösa pappersboken! I mitt fall består ju kvällens fysiska aktiviteter av Aikido och löpning. Och det blir ju en del on-demand serietittande, oftast mycket i sträck. Men! Vad…
Finfika med Annukka och Sanna | #blogg100
Idag kom två vänner sen förr på besök bl a för att träffa Mika, mor och dotter Annukka och Sanna Ojala! Vi hann avhandla allt mellan himmel och jord, i en anda av förtrolighet. En sak vi diskuterade var musikens betydelse för hälsan, och där får jag snart anledning att återkomma! Jag fick direktinspo och energi av vår träff och har nu tankat ner en drös artiklar på ämnet! Men vi kom även in på husdjurens betydelse för vårt välmående! Ett hem utan en katt är bara ett hus, som en skylt i vår hall förtäljer! Alla certifierade kattgalningar fick…
Söndagsintesiteter | #blogg100 #SöndagsMeditation
I. På språng. Kom över en tröskel och var ute och sprang igen. En vän har en ny Yogastudio. Mitt lopp ändas där. Tar foto av deras logga. Jag sitter i soffan och ändrar om den. Är det en mindfulnessövning? II. Mika. Så surrealistiskt att han är här. Jag älskar honom bortom universum och tillbaka! Han har sån kraft. Han har sån ren, kompromisslös och villkorslös livsglädje. III. Deshi kom till mig nu. Han är så trogen och trofast. Lite hundig i sitt beteende. Ligger vid mina fötter när jag sover. En underbar kisse! Tack för att du finns! Tack…