In Folkparken, Norrköping. With a flag made in pre-school the other month.
Category: Flow of Life
Life Stories
Ran today | #photolog
And here is a photo when I ended the race.
Mika on a skateboard | #MikaTheHero
Mika tried skateboard the other day. (Photo by Karin.)
LUNCHDisco | #DJAnders
From my gig today.
Tomorrow! | #LUNCHDisco
At DoSpace, Västgötebacken 7! 1212-1257. DJ Anders. Music. Fun. Dance. NEMCOM. See you! (Click image for FB Event.)
Co-workers | #MikaTheHero
Mika and Karin repainted this giant flowerpot today. Nice job!
Fancy New Architecture | #Karolinska
From today, beyond the visit to Anders Sporring. Nya Karolinska / New Karolinska.
Visiting my bro’ Anders beyond his brain surgery! | #AndersSporring
Anders has undergone getting a probe in his brain, a so-called DBS – deep brain stimulation. It is there to strongly inhibit or even stop his essential tremor and hopefully also some of his Parkinson shakings. A new life in the loop for Andy! He is surprisingly ok after going through such a thing! The operation took place in Karolinska Hospital, Neurophysiological Dept, this Wednesday, and he is on convalescence until next week! So happy for you, bro’! What an upgrade! Andy, v. 8.0 – The Bionic Man, now with TWO Pacemakers! How cool is that? And the new one…
Drafting A Thesis Sketch! | #Music4Health
Finally! Got truly into the deepest of writing flow today, when I got focused energy to finalize the first draft of a Thesis Sketch! Hopefully something developing to a full-fledged Synopsis, mature enough to attract further resources. Now sent to my mentor and professor emeritus Bengt Johannisson for response. Happy to see all years of thoughts materialize to this level! And yes – live as you learn! Music for productivity, and the focused social setting at the silent reading room at the University Library really got me disciplined! Almost five hours efficient time. Oh yes! And not that exhausted either….
Cherry Blossom | #Spring
From Sunday. Folkparken, Norrköping.
Happy Earth Day! | #EarthDay
In the djungle, a cat! Soto, not knowing it is Earth Day. (from Karin’s Insta)
Springtime For Mika! | #MikaTheHero
At Folkparken today. A great day of fun!