The immaterial wishes continues to dominate my wishlist for 2017, a wishlist exercise which I aim to establish as a tradition, beyond my birthday. An exercise done during vacation and holiday times! What I felt during some time, is a bit of lack of inspiration, especially when it comes to create texts or music. My blogging has went down in speed and frequency beyond the #blog365 challenge 2016, and writing more extended essays or texts haven’t been taking place since ending up writing the first full draft of my book that never went into full publishing all the way, or…
Category: Wishes
8. H som i Helger! (Weekends) | #Wishlist2017
Helger. Ja, helger! Vad önskar jag mig av dem? Först och främst – jag vill ha massa fler av dem framåt längs min livsväg! Jag vill spendera dem med min Karin, och om några jordvarv, då och då med både barn och sen kanske till och med barnbarn? Se min önskan gällande dagar! Och jag önskar dem lugna och sköna. Då ges utrymme för återhämtning och annat pyssel som inte får plats måndag till torsdag. Torsdag? Ja, vi vill ha weekendkänsla redan på fredagen! Som denna helg! I fredags, på ett lekspring på dryga fem km, fångade jag solens nedgång…
7. G as in Good Mornings! | #Wishlist2017
Yes, me wish for good mornings! Every day! And they come together with a good night’s sleep before! So. Good night!
4. D as in Days! | #Wishlist2017
Days. I am curious, so I want to have many of them. Until 23rd of November, 2078, I hope I feel the mission is complete, this carnation. And intentionally, flip to the pure place of the love field, and stay!
3. C som i Cash! | #Wishlist2017
Ja, önskan om att få mer pengar, så vi kan börja leva och inte bara överleva!
2. B som i Basinkomst! (Basic Income) | #Wishlist2017
Ett evenemangsnäste på Gotland har kickat igång. Han som stod på lastbilsflaket har för länge sedan sett grunden för det rämna. Initiativtagaren, alltså. Nämner inga namn, of reasons. Fokuserar istället på B, i bloggutmaning – Basinkomst! Jag önskar en lyhörd, öppen, nyfiken, (ömsesidigt) respektfull och kärlekstörstande konversation i och om det. Överallt. Just, så. Ord, inga visor. Text, inga bilder. Nu, sova. Punkt.
1. A som i Arbete! (Work) | #Wishlist2017
Igår bloggade jag om en bloggutmaning, 29 önskningar. Nu kör vi! Önskning nummer ett. Jag önskar att återfå förmåga till formellt arbete. Det finns ingen deadline på det. Att arbeta, till hundra procent av den arbetsförmåga jag då har, men kanske 25 eller max 50 procent i klassisk 40h per vecka-tänk. Där det senare tänket är på väg att kollapsa. Något nytt växer fram. Mer om det imorgon! Och mer om arbetet med att få tillbaka arbetsförmågan – senare under månadsutmaningen! Godnatt!
Things Making Your Day | #blog366 #PhotoStory
We made a Longwalk today, Karin, Mika and I. Pokemon Go Halloween Special, extra rewarding for my Karin! Me, supporting. We had main target to visit a charity store in Ingelsta, where giving = fika! And we found some Xmas gifts already – books! And I am truly proud of Karin pushing her limits, out walking like this. Almost 12k steps. Yay!. A visit to neighbouring toy store. Roar! Before going. In bed. Mika wants to govern the gadget! Photo by Karin – this time! At Hovet, Stockholm. Jean-Michel Jarre, live. Feeling the vibes from my friends, on distance. Will…
[BUMP] “aBreathing vs DJ Anders | Pomodoro Mix Set 001 – Epimagic Flow [Live@KnasterS01E03] by NEMCOM | April 2012 – SoundCloud | #blog101 #GYMSession #Music4Health | #QUICKSHARE #STATUS
aBreathing vs DJ Anders | Pomodoro Mix Set 001 – Epimagic Flow [Live@KnasterS01E03] | April 2012 by pomodoromixes #np on #SoundCloud
101 – what? Sorting out and filter … ing! | #blog366 #PhotoStory
Handbook of Music and Emotion. A cornerstone for further explorative searches, on what to deliver and get leverage with in my creative writing process on Music For Health, beginning 1st of September, 2016. I have identified two focuses, to which I still need to narrow down and write synopsis on, respectively. Both have been tested in the ‘How’ aspect. Are they researchable? The answer is a sounding Yes! So – level up, we will! Now, leaving the University Library across the street, and returning home. Work Trial, this is. But, not formalized, yet. Emergence! Done! Soon!
Z as in Zoom H1 Portable Microphone | #blog26 #wishlist
We have reached the end of our A to Z wishlist which I began at my 50th birthday, June 26. All wishes so far have not been connected to a product with a commercial brand mentioned – and dominated by intangible wishes. In general, I avoid as much as possible to mention commercial brands. The last one of my wishes in my list, making an exception. I want a portable microphone to capture sounds to make music of, with and from. And this is the one I wish for. An entry model with really great price/performance ratio, as I understand….
Y as in Yoga Festival in Norrköping | #blog26 #wishlist
I wish there could be a Yoga Festival in my home town. There are so many styles, teachings and schools when it comes to yoga. And learning about them all is hard. What about an event where we can try out them and see for yourself, live? Just an idea!