Today, Nadine played Boule for the first time. She thought it was quite boring, but I enjoyed it. They have a great Boule field at Folkparken. After that, we played with Mika, and at home we made a little mirtor groupfie. Ending the day with Zootropolis! Great fun! It’s a bit of a tradition to view a great animated feature movie last night before leaving her with her mum. Which happens tomorrow! A great last day of this NadineWeek!
Category: Nadine
Dream to fly, ice cream to eat | #blog366 #photolog
Nadine and I saw a 3D/360° film at the Dome of Visualiseringscenter C today, via gift cards from Anna Öst (A 50 year b-day gift – thanks!). It was a cool half hour with the film Dream To Fly, about our dream to be up in the sky. Edutainment! Later in the afternoon, we ate icecream at Halvars Glass. Great! Thank you Hedwig for making it happen! I also trained aikido tonight, so yes. I am really tired. Good night!
Fusible beads workshop – Pokémon Themed | #blog366 #photolog
Today, we had a workshop and made some fusible beads motives inspired by Pokémon, given the present Pokémon Go-hype (and its pixel-friendly nature makes it very appropriate too). To the left, Pikachu by Karin. And I made a Pokémon ball. Nadine made some as well (not in photo). Fun! And, no. I am not playing the game. Karin does! Good for exercise! Art, fun and play for health!
LED Light Bling Bling Workshop and Strömparken | #blog366 #photolog
Today, we were at Visualiseringscenter C and attended a workshop where you could make your own LED Light Bling Bling, with a container made of a 3D printer! Karin and Nadine made one each. And Mika, well, he was elsewhere! After dinner, we went to Strömparken – Deshi in company too! Hot days continues, so it was kinda ok to hang around at the air conditioned Vis C after all …
Hemester Highlights | #blog366 #Family
A day at Himpabadet. Himmelstalundsbadet. The Swimming pools at Himmelstalund field, nearby some of the most rich rock carvings in Sweden, and a very very very wide green field, uniquely close to an inner city. Love it! Pics, speaking for themselves. Nadine, Mika, Karin and me. Heat wave. At 30° C, today. Phew! Sunny Sunday! Fun!
NadineTrip and Lifestreaming | #blog366 #Nadine
Today I fetced Nadine in Arvika over the day, and we got home by 5.30pm. I have reactivated somewhat lifestreaming more frequent, and shared full day through Facebook with checkins and photos, which I auto-syndicated to my Tumblr feed, as an experiment. You can see the Tumblr feed in the sidebar of my blog (or scrolling down beyond the posts if you are on some mobile platforms). Archives fromJuly, shows more than half of posts the last 24 hours! After we arrived in Norrköping, we had dinner, and Nadine shared some belated presents, which she got from a classmate. Much…
L as in Loved Ones | #blog26 #wishlist
Let’s start off with some here-and-now pics. We are in Valdemarsvik for the weekend, arrived today with the full family, cats included. What we do and what happens – follow Karin on Instagram (@akrogirl)! I am sitting on the second floor of Karin’s mum’s lovely house. The Tablet shines. I have a little remote keyboard connected to it. Mindmapped where to take this posting. Directions. Loved ones! Yes. Family! But, before that – let’s make a little historical odyssey. All You Need Is Love – “it was 49 years ago today” Sgt. Pepper told the band to play! And, they…
B – as in Birthdays! (62!) | #blog26 #wishlist
I started yesterday with a blog challenge, with 26 wishes, from A to Z. It was my 50th celebration of earth rounds done around the sun, and now I feel being part of something I want to be in. The Wisdom Flow – for real. Maybe taken seriously, who knows? Anyways, now, it feels great! I am overwhelmed en masse from all the love bombing yesterday, primarily from my closest circle of family! Surreal, and so calm! You were there, so great, so full, so deep! Thank you Mika, Soto, Jippii, Deshi, Uchi, Nadine, Karin and Hedwig! Home, and then…
About Turning Fifty Rounds Around The Sun – Statement From A Train | #blog366 #SaturdayLove
Written off the grid at 1337 CEST on the Writer Android App, in the net shadows within the deep green ocean forestry of Värmland: “I am sitting on a train to pick up my daughter in Arvika. Tomorrow, I turn 50 years, according to SpaceLog Tellus. And there, I would like to focus this “statement”. I have defined away the “crisis” moment when counting decades. So irrelevant, unneccesary and stupid to live your life as-if turning these counts of orbital rounds around the sun should define when to really have a crisis in life? Let me tell you this instead:…
These Days | #blogg100 #MikaTheHero
These days – thankful for every smile and laugh I can share with my Mika. Where the rest of my life will go is still very unwritten, but two things are crystal clear. I have meaning with my kids, my family, our little bubble of a world. I have meaning in love in its expressions as they manifest in the flow of my life. Thank you life, for giving me these!
Wintermuse – SoundCloud | #blogg100 #TheSundayMeditation
I. I am now listening now, to Wintermuse, by Atomic Skunk – II. I hope R. Brodsky hear my calling (soon his? our?), To complete a four-part masterpiece, with three seasons to go … Now. Here. Spring. Soon. Here. Summer. Then. Here. Autumn. After that. Here. Winter. #WinterMuse. Then. Spring. Again. Get my point and flow of ideas, R. Brodsky :) ;) ? III. End Of Sunday Meditation. In Eternal Love. // : ) ♡ ~ ?>!
Öppna förskolan med Mika och Nadine | #blogg100 #MikaTheHero
Idag var vi på öppna förskolan med Mika och Nadine gjorde sällskap. Vi lekte någon timme och Mika socialiserade litegrann med andra bebisar. Nadine visade sig vara en riktig bebismagnet och fick mycket kärlek! En fin dag som fortsatte med fika på stan och en film på kvällen med påskgodis. Vi åt även äggmackor som vi gjorde på våra marmorerade nagellacksägg! Imorgon åker Nadine tillbaks till Eidsvoll för denna gången, så det var sista kvällen detta påsklovet. Jag kommer dundersakna henne!