LED Light Bling Bling Workshop and Strömparken | #blog366 #photolog

Today, we were at Visualiseringscenter C and attended a workshop where you could make your own LED Light Bling Bling, with a container made of a 3D printer! Karin and Nadine made one each. And Mika, well, he was elsewhere! After dinner, we went to Strömparken – Deshi in company too! Hot days continues, so it was kinda ok to hang around at the air conditioned Vis C after all …

Hemester Highlights | #blog366 #Family

A day at Himpabadet. Himmelstalundsbadet. The Swimming pools at Himmelstalund field, nearby some of the most rich rock carvings in Sweden, and a very very very wide green field, uniquely close to an inner city. Love it! Pics, speaking for themselves. Nadine, Mika, Karin and me. Heat wave. At 30° C, today. Phew! Sunny Sunday! Fun!

NadineTrip and Lifestreaming | #blog366 #Nadine

Today I fetced Nadine in Arvika over the day, and we got home by 5.30pm. I have reactivated somewhat lifestreaming more frequent, and shared full day through Facebook with checkins and photos, which I auto-syndicated to my Tumblr feed, as an experiment. You can see the Tumblr feed in the sidebar of my blog (or scrolling down beyond the posts if you are on some mobile platforms). Archives fromJuly, shows more than half of posts the last 24 hours! After we arrived in Norrköping, we had dinner, and Nadine shared some belated presents, which she got from a classmate. Much…

Z as in Zoom H1 Portable Microphone | #blog26 #wishlist

We have reached the end of our A to Z wishlist which I began at my 50th birthday, June 26. All wishes so far have not been connected to a product with a commercial brand mentioned – and dominated by intangible wishes. In general, I avoid as much as possible to mention commercial brands. The last one of my wishes in my list, making an exception.  I want a portable microphone to capture sounds to make music of, with and from. And this is the one I wish for. An entry model with really great price/performance ratio, as I understand….

V as in Voyages | #blog26 #wishlist

I wish we had more opportunities to travel. I want to go to places with my family. Barcelona, I’ve been on business-related trips, with some touristry – and saving a few “must-see’s” to co-experience with my Karin and the kids! Berlin, I’ve not been to. But Karin has! And Scotland! Yes, going around the whole area. Just. Must. Do. Bucket. List. Hardcore! Top three, the magic number to prioritize. What else? Life is long. But days are short. Let’s take care of them – and go to places that aren’t the same as when we were there, respectively. Because, now…

U as in Uchi Deshi | #blog26 #wishlist

I wish I can attend an Uchi Deshi, as in training camp for Aikido, soon again. The Sensei we follow, Ulf Evenås, Shihan 7 Dan, will attend in Norrköping in November, so hopefully then, at least! Uchi meens ‘indoors’ or ‘inside’, and Deshi.means ‘student’, so literally it is translated into ‘being a student in-house with the master’. And, yes, they are names of our brother Birmans as well!

Q as in Tema Q | #blog26 #wishlist

I wish I can get a research position at Tema Q at Linköpings University. It is a cross/trans/multidisciplinary research institution focusing culture and societal change and development. I hope I can take my documented skills in researching innovation and entrepreneurship related to sustainability and put it into context of music for health. How to deploy insights from where we know music benefits health, in practice? How to creatively organize in order to make music do good for health? I see the target now. Now, the only way is up. Now, this is my ‘escalator pitch’. Now, do!

N as in Norrköping – Stadsloppet 10 km | #blog26 #wishlist

I love my home town. It’s beautiful. The old meeting the new. The hard meeting the soft. The rough meeting the polished. These contrasts. #Norrköping, here captured by Karin The @akrogirl on Instagram! Reflecting the beautiful and lovely, as she always does in her streams. I wish my town to be the greatest version of itself, it can be. I will not list the specifics, because that takes a wishlist A to Z in itself! There is still alot of development potentials in this town. Goes beyond this posting. But! When the town really comes together and lifts itself up,…