aBreathing vs DJ Anders | Pomodoro Mix Set 001 – Epimagic Flow [Live@KnasterS01E03] | April 2012 by pomodoromixes #np on #SoundCloud
Category: Events
Culture and Mika the Builder | #blog366 #MikaLove
We had a great day at Kulturnatten Norrköping! Here, Mika building stuff at Visualization Center C!
Pompom i Parken / Pompom in the Park – Summer 2016 | #blog366 #event #NEMCOM
Mika at his second “Electronic picnic in the Park”, Pompom i Parken – the strong event concept by NEMCOM, Norrköping Electronic Music Community. Sunny and wonderful! Last time, he was just some three months old, 2015. He’s got the groove already! Some pics from the event. Dancing Open Air. Petri Koski. Marcus Molin. On my way home – with my new merch Kraftwerk t-shirt from last Sunday!
D as in Depeche Mode | #blog26 #wishlist
The blog challenge, beginning June 26, 2016, my 50th birthday, con’t. The ABC basics – check. As simple as 123? Maybe :). Aikido, Birthdays, Core. Enter – D! Musical experiences, bucket list, following the Grand Theme “Music For Health”. Depeche Mode! This is irrational, I agree. Not. Seen. Them. Yet! I have followed their music since the Just Can’t Get Enough days. From the very beginning! And I didn’t see them, live, back then. So. Modern times? Their last tour was 2013/14, passing Sweden. And they did headline Arvikafestivalen, 2009. No, no, no. Not! Well, I hope to see them…
Norrköping Pride! | #blogg100
Today Norrköping Pride march took place. New record – over 3 000 participated! Mika dressed for the occasion in a rainbow body! And in full summer weather. Great!
Pompom In The Park
green shiny grass // carrying // beats for hearts
Lights Of Hope
lights of hope // awareness // first step
in candle lit silence // remembering // a man of good deeds
Bas och sväng | #blogg100
musik får livet // att bäras vidare // mot senare solnedgångar — FotoNot: #AfterWorkAndPlay är nu kulturinstitution i Norrköping. Tredje gången #NEMCOM arrangerar på Jolla Café och Choklad. Andra gången med detta konceptnamn. Vi firade Våfflans Dag. Tack till Hollstedt & Nordrup, Calle Slättengren för gäst-DJ-ande, resident livepainter Eva Cederwall och Gebro+Jolla för cafévärdskapet! Och publik som trotsade regn, kyla och Rapport och njöt en lönetisdag i vårt kära Norrköping! Nästa gång är 29 april!
Lika olika | #blogg100
i ögonblick // av vårdagjämning // alla syns — FotoNot: Jag var ikväll på evenemanget #Vidvinkel på CNEMA som ikväll avhandlade jämställdhet på film. Sprängfylld av intryck, förändra-allt-på-gång-energi och idéer! Låt det våras för alla!
Smilies | #blog365
joy shared // on a restaurant // with beautiful and lovely — Photo: We attended Depeche Mode Bar where I played live and curated a spotifylist as well – a night with Depeche Only on Café Broadway, an annual NEMCOM event :). It was also ‘Anders-day’ – so two reasons to celebrate witj Burgers, Beer and Cider :).
Flocksamling | #blog365 #haiku
the people // can finance // themselves — I Örebro. Den 13 november. Crowdfunding. Jag är programansvarig. Full berättelse kommer. http://crowdfundingdagen.se är live.