Three Images – One Love! | #PhotoStory #blog31

Day, beyond breakfast. A brilliant documentary. John Lennon: Imagine. Watch it! Beyond domestic services and fika, first event of the year. Gong Bath. Screen dump from my Insta Story. Try it! And last – but not least! Mika’s new outfit! A new pyjamas with motive from his fav kid TV show right now! More on that tomorrow on my Insta! Then, we had a TV Night, with happy Mika in bed in his new outfit. Good Night!

Projects 2019? Well, let me sleep on it, one night … Or seven! | #blog31 #QuickShare #projects

2019, still groovy. Only two projects added so far, beyond the ‘musts’. #blog31 And writing a one-pager on the story of ‘RE:LOVE THE WORLD’. Intention: replacing my Instagram link (bio link, also from screen dump above) on the story – from a page in a Master Thesis to a page … here. One thing at a time. First thing first. Now. Good Night!