I present my second playlist in the name of Music for Health. Sunday Serenity and it is meditative in spirit. Situation, imagined: “To wake up in the Emptiness at 3AM in the Night”. One of these tunes I will write about on Tuesday in my first posting on “Music For Health – The Personal Experience”. Enjoy!
Category: #SundaySerenity
Sunday Serenity
Sunday Chill | #blog366
We did something close to nothing today. Watched a Bond movie. Indoors. In short. Sunday Chill! Good night!
Sofa Life | #blogg100 #family
Sofa life. Chill. We watched Simon’s Cat on YouTube casted to our TV. Mika was all eyes and ears!
Reading and Meditating | #blogg100 #SundayMeditation
I. I have identified a quest, a field of inquiry, a connection enforcing my drive. What impact does music have on health and well-being? II. Reading lists. They are there to never end. How overcome feelings of being overwhelmed? III. Here I sit, in a corner now designed for reading, reflecting, meditating. We have moved the Serenity Corner from one spot to another in our living room. The old spot is now filled with big green plants. Indoor garden. So, now: Plato once said, that the most important part of a work, is to begin. Reading a book. One book…
Wintermuse – SoundCloud | #blogg100 #TheSundayMeditation
I. I am now listening now, to Wintermuse, by Atomic Skunk – II. I hope R. Brodsky hear my calling (soon his? our?), To complete a four-part masterpiece, with three seasons to go … Now. Here. Spring. Soon. Here. Summer. Then. Here. Autumn. After that. Here. Winter. #WinterMuse. Then. Spring. Again. Get my point and flow of ideas, R. Brodsky :) ;) ? III. End Of Sunday Meditation. In Eternal Love. // : ) ♡ ~ ?>!
Lullaby Logging | #blogg100 #SundayMeditation
I. Preoccupied with the concept of time. Might be a risk it drains my energy. If releasing myself from the ultimate paradox of time, I feel something else coming. II. Tomorrow? Next day? I conceptualize a process called evolution. And tomorrow is the point, where I live, when I see the sun rise. Greeting it, I do, every morning. Feeling the power of gratitude. III. Focus! One central key to transcendence and levelling up. I have come to terms and beyond negotiation with important parties of people in professions of helping and healing. And yes. We have landed with a…
Meditational Moves | #blogg100 #SerenitySunday #poem
Mind is carried By the runner Body is carried By the road All is carried Forward By a focused mind And an energy For the living You are here
Övrighetskaos! | #blogg29 #TheSundayMeditation #Söndagsmeditation #nyord
I. Jag drar mig till minnes en not från en av världens främsta popforskare (som jag tagit del av sedan åttiotal i mitt sökeri-åkeri), R. Dawkins. I “Den blinde urmakaren” pratar om hur han organiserade sin inkommande info, där mappen “övrigt” på sitt professorsrum på Cambridge alltid – ALLTID – svällde över. Det är samma upplevelse genom hela – HELA – livet, när jag gått igenom formulär som exempelvis “gratisbesökare” på mässor med min virtuella vandringskäpp i makligt lugn/speedad råtta/mitt emellan. Då har jag ju betalat med info om mig själv – bland annat branschtillhörlighet, befattning/beslutsmandat och titel. Förvirring. Eller…
A Sort Of Coming Back
there is time // where is space // all has place —– but love, just is
Mika Nadine And The Mission
In the silence and in the dark – my family is calm. I see it clearly. I feel it. Blog away a new A-Z + Å Ä Ö Vocabulary in order to let us talk openly about #OneHealth. Why not begin with a three-part manifesto as well along the line within the same thematic flow? From new words and combine them! Our kids are our primary messages to our future. The main mission! — clarity and the obvious // new words // two kids and two books
Gives A Break
juicing up a day // of serenity // sweet treat
Attaching And Loving
face to face // eyes closed // sacred serene sleep ahead