As relevant today, as it was at the time production and upload. Seven years ago. A non-commercial concept, prototype tested. Now. Ready for scaling and wide-spread adoption? Who knows? Lullaby, at the moment of blogging. Good Night!
Category: Family
Nadine 12 years! | #HappyBirthday #blog31
Three Images – One Love! | #PhotoStory #blog31
Day, beyond breakfast. A brilliant documentary. John Lennon: Imagine. Watch it! Beyond domestic services and fika, first event of the year. Gong Bath. Screen dump from my Insta Story. Try it! And last – but not least! Mika’s new outfit! A new pyjamas with motive from his fav kid TV show right now! More on that tomorrow on my Insta! Then, we had a TV Night, with happy Mika in bed in his new outfit. Good Night!
First book reading of the year | #PhotoStory #blog31
In this corner I have started reading this year’s first book – one I got from the Freecycle book-shelf in the basement outside the laundry room. It’s about mindfulness.
First Mika pic of the year | #MikaTheHero #blog31
Yesterday Mika and I were up early, playing in his room. Here is the first picture of him I took 2019! I think my blogging will be a mix of the personal and the professional, with family and friends, music, writings, ideas and reflections, projects and events. Let’s see what unfolds!
Karin and Anders – ten years! | #Family #Love
Today Karin and I celebrate ten years as a couple! We have had our ups and downs, challenges and joys, but first and foremost we have had each other! One peak moment in our relationship was of course seeing our son come to life, Mika. Soon three years ago! We also has seen Nadine grow up, now eleven years strong. We lost Karin’s father Hans 2010, and dear old cat Wendy 2012, and has seen our cats Uchi and Deshi arrive 2013, and Soto 2015. Sometimes lyricists grasps a feeling. I borrow some lines from Depeche Mode, from.Shake the Disease,…
Karin 40 år! WHOA! BRA! | #Kramin #KarinTheHeroine #AkroMom @akrogirl … My #AkroLove ?????
Imorgon blir min älskade Karin 40 år! Mitt i slutfasen av hennes behandling för att driva ur that Fucking C så blir det ett mycket lugnt firande med enbart tre vuxna (vi med kära Hedwig, Karins mamma), ett barn (vår älskade Mika) och tre katter (lika älskade), och en hund (Hedwigs hund, såklart lika älskad) i lugn och stillhet hemmavid. I min bok ser jag att hela hennes fyrtioförsta levnadsår ska firas både här och där med både det ena och det andra! Så för mig är det som att fira ett nyår! Kalendrar är ju egentligen ett mänskligt påhitt….
I graded tonight! I have now 2 kyu! | #aikido
After many years, I have now graded to 2 kyu in Aikido (Takemusu Aiki, Iwama Ryu). Last time I graded was in May 2010, so it was about time! So many other things has happened in my life, coming in between me and my aikido development. But, tonighg was the night! “You can be happy and proud!”, the grading committée chairman Leif Kinnersjö, chief instructor emeritus, 6 dan, said. And so I am! Behind me in the photo, I feel Morihei Ueshiba, a k a O’Sensei and Aikido founder, smiling. Thank you for giving me this way of life and…
K as in Karin! | #Wishlist2017
My intention to place a wish daily, during the month of July, made a halt. For reasons? I dunno. Or, well. I know. Reasons, there are. Meaning, the deeper! With that said, I can only state one thing. Beyond the pause button was hit, life took turns of the unexpected. My love and Partner-For-Life-Whatever-The-FKK-HAPPENS – KARIN – has been hit with that shit. CANCER. BREAST CANCER. The full story, told by her self, in her own voice – is at her blog. And yes, it is in Swedish. Not a problem in these days. Just use Google Translate. Some short…
8. H som i Helger! (Weekends) | #Wishlist2017
Helger. Ja, helger! Vad önskar jag mig av dem? Först och främst – jag vill ha massa fler av dem framåt längs min livsväg! Jag vill spendera dem med min Karin, och om några jordvarv, då och då med både barn och sen kanske till och med barnbarn? Se min önskan gällande dagar! Och jag önskar dem lugna och sköna. Då ges utrymme för återhämtning och annat pyssel som inte får plats måndag till torsdag. Torsdag? Ja, vi vill ha weekendkänsla redan på fredagen! Som denna helg! I fredags, på ett lekspring på dryga fem km, fångade jag solens nedgång…
6. F as in Futures! | #Wishlist2017
Fifty years ago, exactly today, The Beatles released their 7″ single, “All you need is Love” in the UK. I wish their universal message gets to be understood and lived by, in the end the whole Family of Humanity. But, to reach there, begin with yourself. The song was tonight’s lullaby. Now, my turn to get to bed. Good Night!
5. E as in Eternity! | #Wishlist2017
Yeah! This, I strive for! And this attitude, strive to have it transferred to my family – especially my kids #MikaTheHero and #NadineTheHeroine! The most secure way to get a better world in the future, that is. To learn your kids all that you have, and thus can give.