By Mika, when experimenting.
Category: #blogg24
№ 10 – The Focus | #blogg24
Mika watching self-chosen animations.
№ 9 – The Smile | #blogg24
Mika on the playground. Oxelbergen, Norrköping.
№ 8 – The Visit | #blogg24
We had Mika’s grandma Hedwig and her dog Jippii on a visit today. Tested Honor 8’s snapshot function. Thank you for a nice day, ending in a great dinner! Fiesta in the everydayness!
№ 7 – The Tune | #blogg24
Just listened to the first tune on my new phone Honor 8, using my beloved AKG DJ headphones. Great experience, good sound! Salva Mea, with Faithless. Love, incorporated. Period! 1979, as a 13 year old, I carried the music with me in the 1st gen Sony Walkman, in Sweden named Freestyle. Remember having Eurythmics Sweet Dreams album on autorepeat back then. 37 years later, still having my music with me, wherever I go. And will, as long as I live. Music is life. Life is love. Love is music.
№ 6 – The Phone | #blogg24
We have new phones in the family. Honor 8! First pic above, one of the first bebfies next. Works fine!
№ 5 – The Hero | #blogg24 #PardonSnowden
Released today – a Facebook Campaign Video, in the ongoing campaign to Pardon Snowden. Says it all. Yes – HE says it all! Go see! Go listen! Yes! Pardon Snowden. Now, Obama. BEFORE you leave over keys to the White House to “that other guy”. Please? And you, reader. Help us get the message through. En masse. Click below. Sign. Done!
№ 4 – The Wisdom | #blogg24
As you see, I was asking Google Images if “s/he” could give me a search for the word ‘philosophy’ “translated” into English, tracing its etymology – always turning to my fav source Etymonline (my bold); “from Greek philosophia “love of knowledge, pursuit of wisdom; systematic investigation,” from philo- “loving” (see philo-) + sophia “knowledge, wisdom,” from sophis “wise, learned;” of unknown origin.” [1] And I specifically asked for ‘Love Wisdom’ WITHOUT returning those squarish witty one-liners that fill your social web flows. Every fkkn day! Was Google “wise enough” to return what I wanted? No. I end this little Sunday Rant with…
№ 3 – The Trilogy | #blogg24
One key artist and composer who really got me into electronica, is Jean-Michel Jarre. Unfortunately, I couldn’t attend his concert in Stockholm in October, but I hope he will tour more ahead, watching him another time. For – now he got a reason. He just released his third album in the Oxygène trilogy – yesterday. He celebrates the 40th anniversary of the release of his breakthrough album, Oxygène, from 1976. The idea of the third album is to take the minimalist, ambient style from 1976, to 2016 and play/record it with modern technology. The style is still there, recognizable and…
№ 2 – The Core | #blogg24
Second of 24 postings, counting down to Christmas. The core. The things that defines you. The most important. I feel the core of me will provide itself as themes for some postings ahead, in this little blog challenge of #blogg24. Family. My everything. I love you. Karin. Mika. Nadine. Soto. Uchi. Deshi. Aikido. An integrated life philosophy, not just a “martial art”. Ai – harmony. Ki – life energy. Do – the way. Practice, and you will learn. Be in the flow of AiKi, and you will find the way to it. Do. With the practice, I keep centered and…
№ 1 – The Challenge | #blogg24
I love blog challenges! And, starting from today, for the second year for me, I join a small blogger community in Sweden, blogging under the flag of #blogg24. Started three years ago, it seems to institutionalize itself this year! Posting from 1st to 24th of December, a Blogging Advent Calendar of sorts. Last year, I published with New Word Theme (neologisms, Swedish, alphabetical from A to Ö, broken flow, completed in January). This year, I just post with the format “№ XX – The NN”, what might be found, there and then. Reflecting and reviewing the past with a year coming…
X-arkivarie | #blogg24 > #blogg29 #nyord
Arkiv X har kommit tillbaka. Kanal FOX, helgen som passerade. Blandade röster i recensionerna. Sök ‘arkiv x 2016’ på Google Nyheter, och ni får samlad respons. Min andlige bro Anders Sporring och jag har internskämtat om Arkiv X, där vi kompletterat med Arkiv Y och Arkiv Z. Om X är det arkiv där oförklarat “gets filed”, så har vi börjat tala om Y där vi lägger sånt som bara är värt att ignorera. En plats för det som vi ställer oss totalt likgiltiga och oberörda inför: – “What do you think about it?” – “Well, we don’t think about it!”…