Category: #blog31
Weekend Music – Smooth | #music #blog31
When Mika the Hero lives up to his name | #MikaTheHero #blog31
Photo by Karin / @akrogirl – from #MikaTheHero Flow. At the waiting room. Yesterday Mika fell off his chair, backwards, on the kitchen carpet. Very hurtful, but nothing seemed to be broken in his arm. After a night with pain, we made a call to the public health service at 1177, and they recommended to go to the kiddie ER at our hospital Vrinnevi here in Norrköping – better safe than sorry! Lucky he was – “only” his radius was snapped out a bit, and was easily snapped back just by the doctor’s hand. And x-ray confirmed nothing was broken,…
Uchi on a Wednesday | #UchiTheCat #blog31
Progressive Bliss – A Pomodoro Mix! | #PomodoroMixes #blog31
… and not just “anyone”. In fact. The first. Ever! Seven years ago. Check it out tomorrow when you need some work-a-music! Image clickety-clickable. One of my key projects to research #Music4Health. G’night! Keep groovy!
Comeback in the yoga studio | #yoga #blog31
After some months, I made a comeback today at the Yoga Studio (NKYC – Norrköping Kundalini Yoga Center). I really felt I needed it! These are the cornerstones for my wellbeing – Aikido, Running and Yoga!
My comeback on Medium | #writing #blog31
I have made a comeback on I started a new account – @relovetheworld. Writing is fun! So, some featured pieces to come. Who knows?
Weekend Soundtrack? | #music #blog31
So. Week two passing of Groovy 2019! Week soundtracked by Swedish Hiphop. Some pulsating beats. And the soundtrack from Mika’s current favourite animated show. On autorepeat. Yup! Now. Good Night!
So far, so good! | #blog31
Meditative Sans Beats – Pomodoro Mix – Atomic Skunk Sampler | #pomodoromix #music #blog31
As relevant today, as it was at the time production and upload. Seven years ago. A non-commercial concept, prototype tested. Now. Ready for scaling and wide-spread adoption? Who knows? Lullaby, at the moment of blogging. Good Night!
Nadine 12 years! | #HappyBirthday #blog31
Senada 50 years! | #HappyBirthday #blog31
Today the mother of my daughter turns fifty years old! Congratulations! Hope your day will be fine! And may you have many many days to come!