Anders – Names Day – Mine – Today | #blog101 #AndersDay

A reflection of my name. The Anders’es on Google Images. Anders is derived from greek ‘man/human’. Sometimes, very hard to live up to. Wonder if these experience/d the same. Where, a rhyme, not intended, wondering, if they wonder’d: “What’s in a name?”. Happy Name’s Day, all Anders’es, wherever!

Mika 18 months! | #blog101 #MikaTheHero

Today, Mika turned 18 months. 1 point 5 years. 547 days. And growing! Here he is at our city library, again. We just love it. And hope, that he will grow on loving the temple of books and other media. The public sphere, with access to knowledge and stories of all kind. Here he showed some slices of his radiant charming personality. Playing peek-a-boo with some tween girls around 10yo. Making them laugh. Giggling himself. Before, we went to the first visit at the dentist, just an introductory small check, and general info. All things OK. After, we went to…

Anders Sporring – Friend, Brother-In-Spirit, Guardian Angel for Mika | #blog101 @AndersSporring

Anders Sporring has his birthday today – HOORAY, HOORAY, HOORAY, HOORAY! It is half an hour left of his b-day in this timezone, and it is time to enter our sleepzone. Anders, “Andy”, thanks for just being there. The rest is said in the title of this posting. Except one thing – I love you, Anders. Unconditionally <3.

Day 17 in November, Anno Domini 2016 – Enigma New Album, Family Happenings and A Friend’s Birthday | #blog101 #FlowOfLife #Enigma #Family #Annukka

I – Enigmas new album I have praised Enigma as a key part of my musical journey, all categories defined. It stands in its own right as something to always fall back to, in moments of turmoil and passages of joy. In short – it just is. Music for (my!) health, in its very core! I stumbled upon their new single some month ago, connecting the circle some 25 years back, with the new Sadeness II – reflecting back to their breakthrough single Sadeness I, 1990, and taking it to a “now”. And tonight, being quite much offline and not…

Soto Two Years – HOORAY HOORAY HOORAY HOORAY! <3 | #blog101 #SotoTheCat #LoveDeclaration

Soto might be the most perfect family cat ever. She came when she was needed the most in our family. Just some few days before we got to know the diagnosis of Mika’s heart disease during the pregnancy. She helped us cope through those days. And, well, since then, I could count so many times and events, and share so many traits, that makes her just that – The Family Cat! Of course, Uchi and Deshi are perfect family cats as well – three very distinct personalities, helping us out in the highs and lows. I do not have the…