Ended a small evening run earlier tonight, Inner City Flow. I listened to the première match for Sweden’s football team against Ireland in the European Football/Soccer championships in my headphones, a match to be forgotten – lousy play on both sides. But when they turned a Zero into a One, I screamed “yessss!”. At least Sweden got 1-1 against the green-white. But whatevs. The best in this story is that playing with anything bouncing – whatever kind of ball – makes Mika so happy! He laughed his pants off today when a little plastic ball left over from our Xmas…
Category: Me
Standing Tall And Strong | #blog366 #photolog
Me and Mika, at Strömparken, today. Photo by Karin on Insta – @akrogirl.
Start | #blog366 #photolog
I ran unlogged this morning. My phone is in need of Deep TLC. So, no runner log app, no music. Just me and the sound of my breathing, my shoe bouncing, the urban noise and the nature singing its soothing loops of birds, tree whispers and smooth windyness. It gave a contrast, to say the least. Coming home, spent some time there with my family-to-live-and-die-for, and going out again on a long and nice walk in our beautiful town! Even if we have our deep struggles, I can say – taking care of moments brought to us, these moments gives…
Att blogga eller inte blogga | #blogg100 #blogg101 #blog366
Så var ännu en bloggutmaning till ända. Detta blir på något sätt ett slutförande av #blogg100, trots att jag “bröt kedjan” av inlägg mitt i sluttampen – någon dag före Mika:s ettårsdag. Och det var förklarligt! Det var nog en av de största utmaningarna jag ställts inför. Att kliva upp för Mount Everest är halva jobbet, och nu är vi på väg till Basecamp bortom att ha nått toppen – och det är ju på nervägen riskerna ökar. Så vi tar det så försiktigt vi bara kan! Mer om firandet en annan gång – jag smälter fortfarande intrycken från…
Today and Tomorrow | #blogg100 #photopoetic
Today In The Zone Tomorrow The Same Today Hundred Posts in Hundred Days? Tomorrow Hundred and One Posts in Hundred and One Days! Today Ending Soon Tomorrow Starting Sooner | Time Hopping Whoa!
Zzzzz | #blogg100 #Status
Deep. Now!
Swedish National Day – MikaFirstie! | #blogg100 #MikaTheHero
One year ago we had landed safely, at last, at the heart clinic in Lund, in harmony. We made it! Today we celebrated Swedish National Day in St Olaiparken, Norrköping. Love Power! Here he is, our little researcher! Sending waves of gratitude to Alpha Centauri and back!
Out in the sun | #blogg100 #MikaTheHero
At Oxelbergen playground.
Popcorn (instrumental) – A #MikaFirsties – At Folkparken, Norrköping – Today | #blogg100 #MikaTheHero
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popcorn_%28instrumental%29?wprov=sfla1 In this environment. Here we are. Standing tall. Dance is already in place. Walking, commencing countdown. Count the words in these images. Here, he is. Fill in the blanks. You read the two pic animation, yes? A PS. Please take some time to find the origins and roots of one of the most important songs to popularize, what can be called “electronic music”. Popcorn was played in the background, yes. And it instantly hit the spirit of Mika. And the event for older kids that took place there as well. So – listen! The original creator hasn’t got the…
Painting Futures | #blogg100
Here is, at canvas level. In this field, my element already has been found. Now, jusr find it!
Self Explained | #blogg100 #MikaTheHero #MikaOneOrbit #MikaBirthday #Ended #GoodNight #TTYL #ThankYou ♡♡♡♡♡
Revamps and Rewards | #blogg100 #doing
Click to view video. Our work-in-progress of revamping our home, aiming for a fresh place for Mika-one-year-party Saturday to come, continues.Today we focused on our kitchen! Cleaning out some mess, towards some kind of minimalism. Well done! Says Deshi as well … After the day of labour-of-love, we rewarded ourselves with a take-away combo of falafel/lager-kebab/coke on the balcony. And, summer it is! Mikalove as seen. As always! Now, calling it a day. Work, con’t, tomorrow. Good night!