Reading and Meditating | #blogg100 #SundayMeditation

I. I have identified a quest, a field of inquiry, a connection enforcing my drive. What impact does music have on health and well-being? II. Reading lists. They are there to never end. How overcome feelings of being overwhelmed? III. Here I sit, in a corner now designed for reading, reflecting, meditating. We have moved the Serenity Corner from one spot to another in our living room. The old spot is now filled with big green plants. Indoor garden. So, now: Plato once said, that the most important part of a work, is to begin. Reading a book. One book…

Wintermuse – SoundCloud | #blogg100 #TheSundayMeditation

I. I am now listening now, to Wintermuse,  by Atomic Skunk – II. I hope R. Brodsky hear my calling (soon his? our?), To complete a four-part masterpiece, with three seasons to go … Now. Here. Spring. Soon. Here. Summer. Then. Here. Autumn. After that. Here. Winter. #WinterMuse. Then. Spring. Again. Get my point and flow of ideas, R. Brodsky :) ;) ? III. End Of Sunday Meditation. In Eternal Love. // : ) ♡ ~ ?>!