Mika does NOT have leukemia! | #MikaTheHero

Time to go fully public with Mika’s situation. One suspicion from his low blood values was leukemia, so he has been at Dept. B53 BOND at H R H Crown Princess Victoria’s Children Hospital in Linköping, where e. g. cancer sick children are investigated and treated. After his bone marrow sample was analyzed at Karolinska in Stockholm, lekuemia has been RULED OUT! Phew! So investigation continues. Anyways, we will spend the weekend at home, so going home tomorrow! Photo by Karin.

Meeting Pia | #Friends

Pia, Karin’s old friend, is in town in conjunction with a conference taking place in Linköping. We met her today and hanged at the event Cirkulärt at Hallarna, with clothes swap and other stuff in the name of a circular economy. Mika got four presents as well, soon coming to his birthday next week. He loved the cardigan she had made, with the tram warning sign! Thanks Pia!