Revamps and Rewards | #blogg100 #doing

Click to view video. Our work-in-progress of revamping our home, aiming for a fresh place for Mika-one-year-party Saturday to come, continues.Today we focused on our kitchen! Cleaning out some mess, towards some kind of minimalism. Well done! Says Deshi as well … After the day of labour-of-love, we rewarded ourselves with a take-away combo of falafel/lager-kebab/coke on the balcony. And, summer it is! Mikalove as seen. As always! Now, calling it a day. Work, con’t, tomorrow. Good night!

These Days | #blogg100 #MikaTheHero

These days – thankful for every smile and laugh I can share with my Mika. Where the rest of my life will go is still very unwritten, but two things are crystal clear. I have meaning with my kids, my family, our little bubble of a world. I have meaning in love in its expressions as they manifest in the flow of my life. Thank you life, for giving me these!