Cities of Music - UNESCO

United Nations – United Communities? Powered By The Magic Of Music? | #UNDay #Music #CitiesOfMusic

Source: Today is UN Day. The day when the United Nations came into being. See note at the end of this posting what is observed this day, and first and foremost: THE COMING YEAR! UN celebrates 75 years next year – 2020! Within the UN community of bodies, one institution is very warm to my heart – UNESCO. Last decade, they launched Cities Of Music initiative. And, I am proud to be living in a town that is included in this select few of Cities Of Music – Norrköping! — When UN celebrated 50 years, only ONE from the…

Exposing yourself to reach acceptance? | #Grief #Process #MikaTheAngel

Went thru ALL photos taken with this cellphone today, from February and onwards. The last months with Mika passing by in two hours. A truly exhaustive experience. But my belief is that this is needed to eventually and hopefully reach the final and last phase of the grief process – acceptance. As visiting the grave, daily. And now coming to “mostly daily”. Today added with Japanese Maple Leafs. Feeling that the grief process is catching up on us in one heavy and core aspect – deep exhaustion. So. Boosting and healing! Running yesterday. Kundalini Yoga at the studio tonighr! All…

Today: Rest & Recovery | #Photostory

TV. Some admin. Outside twice, only around the corner for essential groceries. Burnt out by sorrow, refuelling. Got Memory Book from #MikaMemorial #MikaByeBye and some confirmations on gifts to Blood Cancer Funds for research on Aplastic Anemia. Crying our hearts out! Programs watched – learning (brain on social, menstruation health and ups/downs with 5G), drama comedy (aussie health care, rural and urban), trailers on public service programs this fall (many goodies to come!), talk show, and news, news and news. Now: watching dreamscape in the dark behind eyelids! Tomorrow? Intent, Goal and Target: DAYTIME BLOGGING WITH PRODUCT SHARED! Blogged when…

Health Care – Sorrow – Friends | #MikaTheAngel #Health #GraveVisit

We’re all humans, with all our imperfections, quirks, fallacies and beauty! ALL of us! We’re different, but we are equal in one dimension. All living beings carry an absolute value! So. It is so immensely unfair that Mika is gone. The one, LIVING this sentiment! He had no idea about “something different” beyond this. All were love. All are love. All is love! All else, is just “the dark side”, and nothing he ever experienced in full. He was bathing in an ocean of the infinity of The Love Force all thru his short life ‘here’. And now, he is…

Kulturnatten 2019 | #Photolog #Retrospective

One of those days of painful memories. Kulturnatten Norrköping – without Mika. We went out to have a meal at Trottoarbaren, Dynamo, Hallarna. Then, visited some friends at Företagsateljéerna, to see their works of art. I was out also, later in the night.

Visiting The Grave With Hedwig and Jippii | #MikaTheAngel

Today we had a visit of my mother-in-law Hedwig, with her Eurasier dog Jippii. The grief was very very strong today, when we came together. The heavy dark cloud was very dense, and on our shoulders. Felt really really hard. But good thing to share tears, and somewhere mobilizing the slightest of hope that we will survive this – together. Thank you for a fine day, with shared feelings and a great dinner. Love will push us through. Life just has to go on – as the way the grass is growing on the grave. Strong!   Note: This posting…

Feeding The Ducks | #Slideshow

A Very Intense Sunday! Demo and tryout of Aikido and Judo for functionally varied/deficit (used to be called ‘handicapped’/’disabled’ … Thank universe we moved on beyond that!} – A K A SUPERHEROES! A fair with some 20 sports and activities represented! A full story to be saved for the emergent social web flow of the club … IF DOJO NORRKÖPING! in process! To be kicked off when my space is given! Was intended to be kicked off this Fall, but, well, you know … Afterwards a LOOONG and WONDERFUL evening walk my beloved. Visiting the grave. And feeding the ducks…