“Tough night. It’s so empty on life. Of fuss. Of sounds. The emptiness is so numbing.” “Such a great missing.” Come and comfort mummy with your caring, love and full light being! — Now I will meditate on this. We are home. But a home without Mika is like s scattered puzzle, who used to be the 100 complete, now 98 pieces missing. Help us find these, one by one, and find ways to feel his presence more and more. Every moment ahead! MIKA – WE LOVE YOU 4EVAH.
Tag: akrogirl
Karin 40 år! WHOA! BRA! | #Kramin #KarinTheHeroine #AkroMom @akrogirl … My #AkroLove ?????
Imorgon blir min älskade Karin 40 år! Mitt i slutfasen av hennes behandling för att driva ur that Fucking C så blir det ett mycket lugnt firande med enbart tre vuxna (vi med kära Hedwig, Karins mamma), ett barn (vår älskade Mika) och tre katter (lika älskade), och en hund (Hedwigs hund, såklart lika älskad) i lugn och stillhet hemmavid. I min bok ser jag att hela hennes fyrtioförsta levnadsår ska firas både här och där med både det ena och det andra! Så för mig är det som att fira ett nyår! Kalendrar är ju egentligen ett mänskligt påhitt….
Karin! | #blogg29 [K] #MyBeloved #Karin #Family @AkroGirl #AkroMom ♡♡♡♡♡
And stolen with Love and Respect from Profile Photo Album on Facebook … Tomorrow, she has a challenge. And on Monday. Of integrity reasons, she shares what she shares about that. Just give her sh*tloads of love, these days that surround Feb 14, will ya? ♡♡♡♡♡
A First Encounter
a baby embraced // by the spirit of // friendship
In The Moment Of Heat
heat is on // bedtime chill // place to be
Playfulness Is A Bliss
patience – endurance – joy // once more // proven to get you thru
Quantum Love Bombing
when small flocks gather // in trust // galaxies vibrate in smiles
With A Love, Grounded
sustaining with its absolute strength // our love // lives in foreverland
Three Loves
embracing the fluffy // spirits there // being grateful
flow in motion // work and play // home base
Texi Mexing
sun shining // table of hot stuff // food experience
In Peace A Sunday
play and love // no one // without the other