Took part in the celebration in Folkparken, but left early. Karin is sick, so we chilled at home afterwards.
Category: Norrköping
Playing with Mika | #Family
At Hörsalsparken. Photo by Karin.
Mika, Soto and Babblarna | #MikaTheHero #SotoTheCat #timehop
Three years ago. Mika one year and three weeks old.
Ice Cream Picknick! | #Family
At Strömparken today.
The Library and Strömparken | #Family
A day at town. We spent some time at the library, and went from there with five books. Then some waterplay at the pump in Strömparken. A good Summer Monday!
A day at town | #Family
Today we were in town. First at a toystore, where Mika had some money to spend. Emoji in plastic and soap bubbles! Then we went to Vasaparken, and finally some fast food. Sunny Norrköping, happy Mika!
Last day at Blomman dept., Nektarinen pre-school | #MikaTheHero
Today, Mika had its last day before the Summer Holiday, and the Blomman dept. In August, he will move over to next dept. of Nektarinen pre-school, for elder kids. He grows strong!
Giving blood | #health
Gave blood today, which I do every third month. Blood group 0+. Blood pressure 110/70. Hb last time 148. All fine! Give blood, if you can!
Karin and Mika – four years ago | #timehop
We had just arrived to Norrköping some days ago, and spent a few days at Vrinnevi Hospital. Soon his first day at home!
Jenny Kempe, one of our instructors, featured in Norrköpings Tidningar | #Aikido
Jenny Kempe is an instructor at my dojo, and she has been chosen to represent Sweden as one of two from here in World Martial Arts Masterships, taking place in Chungju, South Korea in Aug/Sep 2019. A total of some 20+ Aikidoka from all over the world will represent the art there. A great honour for Jenny and our club!
Aikido – seasonal ending | #Aikido
Tonight it was the last training session in the Spring season. Some summer training will take place on half speed Mondays. And tomorrow a feature article on one of our instructors will be published in the local newspaper! Will blog about that tomorrow!
Mika playing archaeologist | #MikaTheHero
A visit at the City Museum, Norrköping. Mika loves museums! So did I when I was a kid too. Photo by Karin.