Decisioning | #blog365 #haiku

the everydayness // simplified // by visualization — Photo: Sent via the formidable WhatsApp when finally finding something to make a great and simple dinner for my beloved Nadine and Karin :). I had veggie sausage already found in the home freezer :). — Tired, now. Challenges, overcomed. Challenges, ahead. Will muddle thru, in order to survive, live and prosper in The Flow Society. All in the Name of Love! End of message :).

Cetuem - Green Pea - photo by Karin Johansson / @akrogirl / AkroPlanet Enterprise / / CC-BY-NC-SA [2013]

Cetuem – Green Pea | #UnitedInGreen #blog365 #haiku #SaturdayLove

a green lantern // shining // with a ray of hope Karins #UnitedInGreen – näst sista dagen. Ljuset i det gröna! Varumärke: Cetuem Ursprung: UK Namn: Green Pea Huvudsaklig färg: Ljusgrönt Kategori: Krämlack med visst skimmer DÖDLIGHET OCH LIV – KÄRLEK OCH KRAFT När jag senast skiljdes åt från min dotter, gav jag henne något som hon alltid kommer ha med sig. Något som tar en igenom vad som än händer. Jag frågade henne – “vad är det som gör att du alltid klarar dig? – vad är det du alltid har med dig?”. Hon gissade på “pappa” och “mamma”…

Orly – It’s Not Rocket Science | #UnitedInGreen #blog365 #haiku

shining on // like // brilliant insights   Varumärke: Orly Ursprung: USA Namn: It’s Not Rocket Science Huvudsaklig färg: Grönt med lite skimrande gult i, duokrom Kategori: Skimmerlack DET ÄR INTE RAKETFORSKNING – DET ÄR HJÄRNFORSKNING. Vi har nått halvvägs med #UnitedInGreen. Vi vägleds in av dagens nagellacksnamn med dagens kommentar. Depressioner från ett vetenskapligt perspektiv? Ja, kliniska depressioner kräver avancerad behandling. Men är de “lättare” än så, räcker ju med samtalsterapi. Men vad är det som “spökar” – egentligen? Ja, hjärnan och vårt centrala nervsystem är ju egentligen relativt outforskat, jämfört med andra vetenskapsområden. Vad vet vi egentligen? Därför är det…

Forces and Targets | #blog365 #haiku #SaturdayLove

dashboard targets // reflects // purpose and drive — Photo: From yesterday’s gym session. Returning after months of a break. Warmup run. 10 minutes. Beyond the Quantum Hurricanes (storm, in retrospect, doesn’t reflect the true magnitude), survived, this was a way to reach ground. A reflection of the Miracle called Love. — “The Path of Excess, Leads to the Tower of Wisdom.” – one of the Key Phrases in the musical productions of Enigma. True as ever, and reconfirmed also after this loop of The October Explosions. — Now? A Therapeutic Deep Laughout ahead. “The Grounding” continues :).

Blur and Clarity | #blog365 #haiku

a building // standing still // in virtual storms — Photo: One end of The Industrial Landscape of Norrköping. Motion blur. No app. No filter. As is. Taken during times of congressing a stone’s throw away. — At the moment. No further comments, more than a reflection and connection to the fact it was World Poverty Day yesterday. A problem so complex only simplicity can guide us close enough to find a permanent and sustainable array of solutions. What we live with? Oppression. What we want to have? Emancipation. And to keep us healthy.

Uchi Spirit | #blog365 #haiku

when courage // exceeds fear // tailwind prevails — Photo: Uchi insists on coming out, beyond the time when he had something resembling a Panic Anxiety Attack in our (i. e. human!) terms, when we took him to Strömparken (my most frequent photo motive outdoors  at the moment, “The Stream Park”), earlier this year. Through PicsArt for Android, effect Fattal 2. — What more to say? I was astonished. When I did the laundry in a Red Eye just-woke-up shift yesterday morning, he just wanted to GET OUT! And follow me to wherever I intended to go. Or not? Runaway…

Radiation | #blog365 #haiku

intensity // comes // in so many flavours — Photo: After my night run, the RunKeeper Log Photo of the ending of my 9.99 km. Outside Sandgatan 12B. PicsArt App Color Adjust ‘Solarize’. — I can only summarize the past 24 hours (or for the last 10+ days for that matter). Have been surviving The Perfect Quantum Storm. Now, Serenity. NOTE: It was worth one thing – in the name of SatyaGraha – to revamp my own version of #blog365, its specific challenge outline, and self-proclaimed rules. So, be it – Add posting when the 24hrs have passed, and capture…