The Blog Book. A result of this morning’s meditation. Bang! There it was. A flow result to have M-words 8 times 4 as in 32 to meditate on as departure. Where no 32 then rolls over to Feb 1. Movement, word of the day as result of braindump. Full day dominated by it. Jan 2, Day 2, 2017. Move. Be. Do. And ‘M’ is a great sound to vibe in order to meditate! ‘mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm’ Origamic mindful quickie fold while cleaning.
Category: #31meditationer
Meditation | #31meditationer
One year ago. Image No. 1. Post No. 1. In #blog366. Today. Remixed. New Year. New Challenge. New Moves. Memefied in my Swedish-speaking flows: #31meditations, in 1-31 Jan, ideally one per day. Do? Did! Approx 2 hours. Profound results. 06-08ish, this morning.