The #MondayMacroscope – an Editorial Declaration (2013)


Some two years ago, I was starting the deliberate and intense process in converging all my blog lab experiments through the years, into the main idea to have one personal hub for all key aspects and flows of “me” into one place. I almost reached target last spring, but during Autumn 2012, I found it coming even closer to that goal.

And now, March 11, 2013, I feel I have reached the goal with 95 percent accuracy.

The #blogg100 challenge

What really accelerated this process, was a blog challenge, instigated by Fredrik Wass, also known as @bisonblog in Sweden, challenging the whole blogger’s community at large here in Sweden to one single thing. Posting one entry every day during 100 days. And this, truly, is the key to where I am today. I have managed now, almost in half time, to meet this target. And, what I have spoken about during the end of last year – to “ritualize”. One entry per day. And, with a shift in main target audience, I have switched almost entirely to Swedish as this blog’s main language. I have gone “local”. Localization. Still, I am very global in mindset and flow of contacts, but not right here on this blog hub.

Next level will be to really follow what I intended with some systematic blog structures, supported by a editorial calendar to discipline my blogging into some certain “tags”. One of the most central of these is this.

The Monday Macroscope.

I managed to post some beta-posts last spring with this tag, but sadly enough, that edition of is gone, and swallowed by the Big Black Cyberhole. Now, the intention is revamped, and here we are!

So what is the main idea with the #MondayMacroscope?

First of all – the “Macroscope” as an idea, was from a neologism I got some years back, and introduced in a slidepack when I did a guest lecture followed by a “World Café” formatted workshop for future secondary school teachers at Växjö University. I googled, of course, and found the concept used by a visionary author in a volume being online, in a book written back in 1975, with exactly that name. To zoom out, and see the world, and its infinite complexity.

So in order to capture the detail, and the whole, with regular returnings, I will post the “Monday Macroscope”, with posting frequency still to be experimented with, but at least once a month. In the best of worlds, every week. But, probably, biweekly. I still beta test my capacity at this stage :). Beyond the end of the #blogg100 challenge, I will know how often. In a sense, it is just a summary of what goes on in all aspects of my life, engagements and passions. For the non-regular visitor and semi-active follower of me, this might be the easiest way to get the main points of what “goes on” in one stop. So, it is, and so it is intended to be. Thus, keeping it in English, to reach big audience.

It will be outlined as follows:

  • Intro / General
  • Me / Family
  • Local / Regional / National / Global
  • Brands / Communities / Projects
  • Final Words – Wrap Up – “Punchline-ish Paragraph”
  • What’s Next? What’s the Question?

These pointers will be shared, as short as possible, but not shorter. With that said, it is easier to get the content character and style by example and illustration. So, with that said, welcome back in one week’s time, around this time, and you will get exactly that!

The Monday Macroscope!

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