Sunday – In Retrospective Remix … | #MikaTheAngel #SerenitySunday #VirtualVisit

Photo taken on Sunday, Sept 8. Virtual visit to the grave for two – one in place. Photo published, retrospectively. With a remix. Mika Style! You draw conclusions. If you carry ‘fact resistence’, mosey along. Look elsewhere. If you are ‘curious’ and interested in ‘fringe science’ with a ‘wide-open mind, heart, soul and spirit’ – feel warmly welcome! Love is all around, you see. Embrace! I love you, Mika. (In #TheOtherworld) I love you, Karin. (In Hedwigsborg, Grännäs, Valdemarsvik) I love you, Melanthie. (In Larnaca, Cyprus) And, I love me. (In North Graveyard, Norrköping) Love is the Hero! Love is…