med kraft // skaffas detaljer // för att fånga helheter — Foto: En filmstrip med foto av offlinetagg från förra årets avslutningsevenemang på Historiska Museet. Tog det nyss. Det är lördag. Chill. Kort och gott. Vi börjar där vi slutade förra året. Med en Haiku :). Nuuuu kör vi!!
Tag: dailyhaiku
Maintaining Bonds | #blog365
the letter // from one best friend // to another — Photo: Nadine, my daughter, just recently moved with his mother to Norway. While travelling to her new hometown Eidsvoll before New Year’s, the 27th, she made some messages and drawings to her best friend in Växjö – Stina. I posted them for her getting back to Norrköping some days later. I hope they will be able to maintain their sisterly friend-love over the years. At least, here is a first step – with the message on the letter – “Here is for you not to forget me”. Det…
Tomatoes | #blog365
empty bottle // organic pasta sauce // consumed — Photo: From my Karin’s employer Xmas gift. Yes, nerdy it is – as a fan of the Pomodoro Technique, I am :).
Prepared | #blog365
in the hallway // soon on the track // running
Befriended | #blog365
depicted // best friends // forever — Photo: Nadine draw an image of herself and her best friend Stina in Växjö. She draw it on her way to Eidsvoll, which she moved to at the end of this year. It was done on the first journey from Norrköping to Norway, intended to be sent later to Stina.
Morning Bliss | #blog365
a bed // for a kid // and a cat — Photo: From a morning, waking up my daughter – with the help of Deshi :).
Enjoyment | #blog365
cat // being brushed // addictive — Photo: Uchi just loves getting brushed. Here, at the favourite blanket in the bedroom :).
An Xmas Morning | #blog365
the family // going back // to their own time — Photo: From this year’s “Adventskalender” – “Barna Hedenhös uppfinner julen”. Last Episode, with some time travel back to their own time. Xmas morning. A great show :). 12 min’s each of the episodes, from 1 to 24 December. My daughter loved it :). Xmas later on celebrated at Karin’s mom’s place, Hedwig’s, together with her brother and family.
A View of Sane Beauty | #blog365
sunrise // met by the runner // sanity kept — Photo: A panorama I captured in the last run before Xmas – early morning. Running keeps me sane and alive.
Marathon Viewing | #blog365
all seasons viewed // tv series // getting addictive — Photo: We have been doing some catch-up of TV series we missed lately. First out was House of Cards (from Netflix), and then we went on with Homeland. Very great TV shows, and cannot wait until next seasons of both arrives. Next up, after Homeland: Orange Is the New Black.
Limits | #blog365
from here // no shoes // beyond — Photo: Nadine and I from the swimming today, at Centralbadet Medley Norrköping. Shoes not allowed from a defined line and beyond :).
Portal | #blog365
gates opening // for a new stream // of experiences — Photo: From Strömparken, Norrköping.