From Inequality to Equality – architecture and housing | #BAD2014 #BlogActionDay

Seven years ago, an initiative called Blog Action Day took part. I got reminded through my own Timehop feed! And yes, time flies.

Copy from my Timehop Share yesterday

I wrote as a comment, yesterday, to this image:

“Blog Action Day. I was so “on” back then. In the flow of Sustaionopreneurship Conceptualization, just a year before its Wikipedia article. Now, beyond, since 2008. What’s next? Maybe having THIS day as Blog Re-Enaction Day! I sneaked out a week of#UnitedInGreen posts last week … follow //#BAD2014 #BlogActionDay”

And – here we go! Blog, re:enacted!

Inequality – Equality – Architecture – Housing

Just adding three one-line notes, two images, and one video, to this conversation that I feel has worked as a back-drop and driving force to all my committment in my deeds through the years of living. And especially, leading to one of my core occupations – empowerment coach.

Three one-line notes

  1. I lean to talk about what we need and want, rather than what is the problem. Equality, is what we need!
  2. The conversation on what “it is”, can occupy us with words and definitions, that takes away focus from deeds where we actually make a true difference – and especially the “lab and innovation” needed to get us onward and upward.
  3. For me, it is enough, to act upon what “it is”, and have an intuitive definition – “we see and know inequality when we feel it”, and “we experience equality when there is” – inspired by the view on “poverty” that Muhammad Yunus has shared.

Two images

So. Let’s just show this, from a TED Talk on Housing and the Future of Architecture (to which I share below):


Average income. The distribution of income across the world population. Economic inequality. One of a multitude of inequality dimensions. Yes.

Now, a contrasting image.

Here is a newly pitched investment opportunity. Real estate, and where you can invest as a so-called “equity crowd-funder”.


Whereas the strong stream of great empowering projects has been flooding through the crowdfunding platforms through the years, with excellent impact on community development, I got disappointed to say the least, when this showed up at FundedByMe (Stockholm-based Crowdfunding platform).A house built for the upper fraction of the 1 point 95 percent above, obviously.

One video

Now – take a look at the TED Video, introducing what we can do in order to redistribute opportunities for Habitat and getting a roof over our heads – wherever we are! The Wikipedia of Stuff on its way in general, following the democratization and “equalizer” of production! Yes – we have the Commons on Housing!

So. Sit back, and enjoy!

BUT WAIT – DON’T CLICK AWAY YET! A bonus media share!

Where Chuck C (as in Collins) is one of the key senior fellows at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D. C., dedicating his research life and mission towards increased understanding of the wicked problem complex of inequality, I would love to share Chuck D to power you up!

Don’t believe the Hype! But believe in a world where there is Hope :) ! Let’s focus on the 100 percent! All of us!





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