The blog challenge, beginning June 26, 2016, my 50th birthday, con’t. The ABC basics – check. As simple as 123? Maybe :). Aikido, Birthdays, Core.
Enter – D!
Musical experiences, bucket list, following the Grand Theme “Music For Health”. Depeche Mode!
This is irrational, I agree. Not. Seen. Them.
I have followed their music since the Just Can’t Get Enough days. From the very beginning! And I didn’t see them, live, back then. So. Modern times? Their last tour was 2013/14, passing Sweden. And they did headline Arvikafestivalen, 2009.
No, no, no.
Well, I hope to see them on tour. Again!
So I can see them live. Simple enough, huh?
Got it?
… good night!