In my first version of my Personal Community Hub, I introduced the idea of focusing different aspects of my life on specific weekdays in respective postings, named after the weekday. The News and Updates will now be the general stream that collects these updates for the Monday to Thursday taggings:
On Mondays, here and there I will post general summaries, with a bit of holistic reflection, on what’s going on in my life at large – and sum up key statuses of things going on in all aspects – private, personal and professional, and some short comments on what happens in my local/regional communities alongside short comments on noteworthy stuff nationally and abroad/globally.
On certain Tuesdays, I will update on one or more of my personal brands – DJ Anders and SLICE. I also has a third brand in the loop, to be introduced soon!
On Wednesdays, irregular postings will be done to update on the statuses and note-worthy what goes on in the communities I participate in and co-develop – Social Media Club, NEMCOM and Lasso Network.
Thursdays, I take a focus on one or more of the projects running – you can read an overview of the current projects here.
The other weekday taggings living on, will show up in other categories. #FridayFlow in Ideas, Essays and Writeups, and Music and Mixes, respectively. #SaturdayLove and #SundaySerenity will show up in Stories of Life.