from here // no shoes // beyond — Photo: Nadine and I from the swimming today, at Centralbadet Medley Norrköping. Shoes not allowed from a defined line and beyond :).
Tag: #blog365
Portal | #blog365
gates opening // for a new stream // of experiences — Photo: From Strömparken, Norrköping.
Seasonal Gift | #blog365
a bag of goodies // generosity // expressed — Photo: I got this gift from my employer, Coompanion Östergötland. From Norin:s Ost, some Stilton, Garlic Brie, Fig Jam, some hard cheese and Tartufe. Yummy! A perfect combo to my love’s employer Xmas gift from Ekolådan. Great!
Reenergized | #blog365
from the top // of the world // behold the view — Photo: Nothing getting your spirit back as getting to a spot with a great view! From Oxelbergen, Norrköping, where Nadine and I had a great time!
Paws and Feet | #blog365
family in elevator // ten things // to walk with
Love and Restfulness | #blog365
serenity companion // with daddy // in morning ritual
Wanting | #blog365
birds // getting watched // by hungry cat
Sleepy | #blog365
cat resting // in the room // of its youngest mummy
Nurturing | #blog365
the brothers // sharing breakfast space // with satisfaction
Music for Light | #blog365
in the cafe // celebrating lucia // with athmospheric music — Photo: From Jolla Café and Choklad, where NEMCOM held an event at Lucia. I played live with ambient and deep music with my aBreathing alias, and then some upbeat DJ Anders tunage :).
Sweat | #blog365
runner // getting to target // in the night
Morning Brotherhood | #blog365
morning ritual // meditate // with birman brothers