A Day Of My Life | #blog366

Brekkie. Two ways to fold a soft bread (“tunnbröd”) with cheese. Jippii – the Eurasier dog owned by Hedwig, Karin’s mother on a wonderful visit today. A dog afraid of passing a bridge over our stream Motala Ström – scary water! Me. Carry. Puppie! Later at night. Cuddle time! LOVE BOMB IN SOFA CORNER! When life is as it should be! Checking the hobby artist’s tools! Annual inventory :). Therapy for the mind and spirit. Mindful exercise training the here-and-now presence! Tea chill adds up to the experience. Karin going to bedroom with Mika. I stay a while and cater…

Books, Survival and Living | #SundayMeditation #blog366

It says books. From a heads-up postit in our kitchen. We want to unclutter in our home. Next up in the uncluttering is to let books go from here to elsewhere. What’s in a book? And, well. Yes. I confess. Book-a-holic, I am. I have more books than I have energy and focus to read. At least for the moment, being on long-term sick-leave and prioritized energy for “Daddy – Family – Together”. So what to do? Sort. Out! Follow a twist on how to feed the outside of our home with books we will trade into things good for…

Universal and Here | #SundayMeditation #blog366

If you think you can run away from your meaning, you’re wrong. But you cannot run around in the dark and wilderness in order to find it. Either. But take everyday focuses, in the mean time, sometimes just a ‘carpe momentum’ with just a breathe in and breathe out, and the meaning can just hit you when you least expect it. The Insight Breakthrough! Worth the patience and endurance, it is. With meaning, the power it takes for meeting everyday’s struggles, just adds up when needed. And joy. In the moments. You get. My meaning? Love. My family. Music. Let…