To Chill A Sunny Afternoon in the Park | #Playlist #SoundTracking #Life #Chill #Summer #InThePark

As mentioned yesterday, in the #blog101 startup posting, I will deliver dedicated musical elements on Fridays and Sundays (also often embedded elements all other days).

So, for soundtracking your life, I will e. g. present playlists and mixes intended to track specific life situations, in order to enjoy them more vividly and with power, appropriate.

First out, is a dedicated playlist to enjoy any eventual bonus Summer day, with an hour of joyful summer reminders.

I will name the lists according to this format – with “To …” in the beginning of the title of the playlists, and tagged when shared and distributed across the social webs.

So, here it is – “To Chill a Sunny Afternoon in the Park”. Enjoy!

Next up, a Sunday Meditation Playlist. Stay Tuned!

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